4-8 DECEMBER 2022
Macau SAR, China


The 16th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2022) is pleased to invite researchers from both academia and industry to submit applications to present live demonstrations of their research results and computer vision systems to conference attendees.

All researchers in computer vision and related disciplines are invited to submit an application to present demonstrations at ACCV 2022.

  • Academic applications are not limited to papers accepted to ACCV 2022 or its workshops. Any demonstration showcasing the effectiveness of computer vision methods is welcome.
  • Industrial applications should submit demos based on their ACCV 2022 accepted papers in the main conference or workshops, or previously published papers at computer vision conferences. The demo can be extended from the paper itself. Demonstrations by industrial partners are welcome if focused on novel research outcomes.
  • For both academia and industry, demonstrations related to non-deep-learning techniques and novel applications are welcome.

Interested demo applicants should fill out and submit an ACCV 2022 Demo Proposal Form electronically and email it along with any supporting material to the Demo & Exhibition Chairs (Taesup Moon, Minh Hoai Nguyen, and Ryoma Bise). The Demo & Exhibition Chairs will select accepted demonstrations according to their scientific merit and relevance to ACCV 2022. All presenters of accepted demos must be registered for ACCV 2022.

Submission deadline:
August 8, 2022 (11:59PM Pacific Time)
Notification by:
August 22, 2022

For more information,
Contact the ACCV 2022 Demo & Exhibition Chairs for more details: accv22demochairs@googlegroups.com