4-8 DECEMBER 2022
Macau SAR, China


Workshops Chairs: Yinqiang Zheng, Hacer Yalim Keles, Piotr Koniusz
Proposal Deadline: 22 April 2022 (11:59PM Pacific Time)
Notification by: 25 April 2022
Contact: accv2022workshops@gmail.com

We are soliciting proposals for workshops to be held together with the 16th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2022 in Macau SAR, China. Workshops will take place on the 4th and 5th of December, 2022.

The purpose of workshops is to provide a comprehensive forum on emerging topics that will not be fully explored in the main conference and to encourage in-depth discussion of various technical, application and community issues in computer vision. We also welcome "Challenge Workshops” that aim to compare new and established methods on common data sets. We strongly encourage workshops/challenge proposals to cover non-deep learning based approaches and various emerging topics. Workshop registration, venue, as well as proceedings will be handled as part of the main conference by the ACCV organizers.

The selection process for the workshop space, time and topic coverage will be competitive. We will consider the topic coverage, the proposers' credentials, the interested audience, and relevance of the topic in the selection process. In addition to the above points, we encourage the following aspects:

  • Diversity of topics and formats (workshops with overlapping topics might be asked to merge)
  • Diversity of each organizing team and invited speakers (gender, race, affiliations, seniority, complementarity, etc.)
  • Positive social impact and ethical considerations

Please note that proposers may be asked to provide additional information, modify their proposals in some aspects, or merge their proposal with another one.

Proposals should be in the PDF format, and they should include the following information:

  • Workshop title.
  • Proposers' names, titles, affiliations, and a primary contact email.
  • Topics that will be covered.
  • Background and details of experience that make the proposers well suited for organizing the workshop.
  • Provide a preference for a half day or full day event with a preliminary program outline (estimated numbers of orals, posters, and invited talks).
  • Names and bios of invited speakers and an indication of whether they have agreed to give a talk (invited, tentatively confirmed, fully confirmed).
  • Anticipated target audience as well as expected number of attendees.
  • Description of relevance and viability.
  • Description of how this proposal relates to previous workshops at ACCV, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, BMVC, NeurIPS, ICML, etc. (be as specific as possible).
  • If the workshop has a competition, provide a detailed description of the contents (dataset, timeline etc.) and the evaluation procedure.
  • If the workshop includes paper submissions, provide a tentative program committee, paper review deadlines, expected number of accepted papers (orals, posters, etc.) Given that the camera-ready deadline is on 5th October, 2022, the workshop proposers must provide a submission/review schedule that meets this deadline.
  • Any special space or equipment requests.

For any questions, please contact the workshop chairs via accv2022workshops@gmail.com


Proposals should be submitted via email to the workshop chairs (accv2022workshops@gmail.com).

Important Dates:

Proposal Submission Deadline
22 April, 2022
Acceptance Notification
25 April, 2022

Workshop Chairs:

Yinqiang Zheng (yqzheng[at]ai.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Hacer Yalim Keles (hacerkeles[at]cs.hacettepe.edu.tr)
Piotr Koniusz (Piotr.Koniusz[at]data61.csiro.au)